Woooowwww post is a little behind but to be fair our last Taboo Revue was jammed-packed full of gorgeous group numbers, beautiful solos and the resurrection of wacky sketches so I want to pretty much cover, well, EVERYTHING!! So how about I get right on that sounds good?
Dame Booty Dench and Steve Stevedore lead a very excited audience throughout the nights festivities and did not miss a beat!
Photo by Greg McKinnonYou can tell the show is going to be great with the stage is set-up like this. Our Chickens pair up with members from the
Spectral Theatre Society to tantalized the audience once again with carney seduction.
Photo by Jamie JensenPhotos by Greg McKinnonDame Booty Dench should have an entire website dedicated to her damn-fine derriere alone. Until that happens, here are some stunning shots from her heartfelt number.
Photos by Jamie JensenDid you ever think to yourself, "There are not enough cheerleaders in the Taboo Revue?" Well,
April O'Peel,
Violet Femme and
Whatshername thought so, but they also thought there weren't enough werewolves either... So they gave us super-fun number to keep the tempo up-beat!
Photo by Jamie JensenPhoto by Greg McKinnonPhoto by Jamie JensenPhoto by Greg McKinnonApril O'Peel and Flash L'Fox tells a very true story about a shepherd and her goat.
Photos by Greg McKinnonPhoto by Jamie JensenScreaming Chicken has their cranky chickens and somebunny is going to have to be their outlet! VaVa Vunderbust presents to the world: Chicken vs the Easter Bunny
Photos by Greg McKinnonPhoto by Jamie JensenSo we have a member of Screaming Chicken named
Voodoo Pixie. Perhaps you have heard of her? If not, its about fucking time because she is a star! She had the whole audience under a spell with her voodoo number. Don't believe me? I'll let the pictures do the talking (this is going to need a lot pictures!):
Photos by Greg McKinnonIn our last
post I shared a tale of a Bad Romance between two young lovers. Well, you should know how the story ends, its exactly what it looks like! YIKES!
Photo by Jamie JensenDoc Chocolate's face really emphasizes the horror
Photos by Greg McKinnonMega foxes
Aida Manic and
Melody Mangler gives the Vegas showgirl a metal twist and damn those chicks ripped it up!
Photos by Greg McKinnonMelody Mangler also debut a new solo featuring a talent she withheld from her fans. She shows us how to ride a horse!
Photo by Greg McKinnonPhotos by Jamie JensenThose hungry hula girls clearly did not satisfy their craving for man meat in the last show. See how they seduce their supper in April's Taboo Revue Finale!
Photos by Jamie JensenSo that wraps up the Taboo Revue for the month of April! A huge thank you to Greg McKinnon and Jamie Jensen for the fantastic photos that made this photo blog a photo blog! More pictures are available on Facebook, just click
here and
here for more fun!
A big big thank you to well YOU for coming and supporting us. There is no Screaming Chicken without the support of our friends and fans. Seriously, you are the best!
Screaming Chicken is back at the WISE Hall this month Friday, May 13th and May 27th for the BEST of the Taboo Revue! (Check out the Facebook Invite
If that seems like a long time for fun burlesque then get your cute cans to the
Vancouver International Burlesque Festival. Loads of amazing burlesque featuring some of our own chickens!
Until next time friends and fans!
Love and Glitter,
Sparkle Plenty xox